Schlagwort: Music

Giant lush animals! Hypnosis! It’s the weekend’s big TV stuff

Madge’s fall at the Brits, a full and frank inter­view with Jonathan Ross in which the great lady address­es the unfor­tu­nate inci­dent head-on. Your eye col­or is sud­den­ly translu­cent, cheeks are flushed, there is soft rosy halo around your lash line, and your lips…your lips deep­en as blood rush­es through them and cre­ates a beau­ti­ful, trag­ic look. This lip hap­pens to work well for day or evening and does­n’t require you to cry! This method allows you to wear any lip col­or in a very nat­ur­al and believ­able way. The secret to this look is cre­at­ing a soft halo around your…