Schlagwort: Beauty

What Selena Gomez Buys at Topshop

There are many ele­ments of Char­lotte D’Alessio’s life that read like a teenager’s fairy tale. Insta­gram did­n’t exist when I was in high school, but I imag­ine I’d be pret­ty fas­ci­nat­ed by the beau­ti­ful, leg­gy 17-year-old with more than 174,000 fol­low­ers and a Wil­helmi­na Mod­els con­tract, too. For the legions of aspir­ing Cool Teens™, D’A­lessio, who has been mod­el­ing full-time for the last year, is liv­ing the dream — though her Cin­derel­la sto­ry has been any­thing but con­ven­tion­al. At Coachel­la in 2015, pic­tures of D’A­lessio (above, right) and her friend, 18-year-old mod­el Josie Canseco (left), flood­ed the Inter­net, wind­ing up…

The Color Every Celebrity Will Be Wearing

There are many ele­ments of Char­lotte D’Alessio’s life that read like a teenager’s fairy tale. Insta­gram did­n’t exist when I was in high school, but I imag­ine I’d be pret­ty fas­ci­nat­ed by the beau­ti­ful, leg­gy 17-year-old with more than 174,000 fol­low­ers and a Wil­helmi­na Mod­els con­tract, too. For the legions of aspir­ing Cool Teens™, D’A­lessio, who has been mod­el­ing full-time for the last year, is liv­ing the dream — though her Cin­derel­la sto­ry has been any­thing but con­ven­tion­al. At Coachel­la in 2015, pic­tures of D’A­lessio (above, right) and her friend, 18-year-old mod­el Josie Canseco (left), flood­ed the Inter­net, wind­ing up…

Primer macht das Make-up noch ebenmäßiger

Für die opti­male Grundierung der Haut empfehlen Vis­ag­is­ten vor dem Auf­tra­gen des Make-ups einen Primer zu ver­wen­den. Primer gibt es für das Gesicht und auch speziell für das Lid. Ein­er­seits sorgt der Primer dafür, dass das Make-up länger halt. Ander­er­seits wird die Haut schon vor Auf­tra­gen des Make-ups geglättet. 


Lesetipp: Der Blog von Make-up Artist Lisa Eldridge

Meine Neuent­deck­ung der Woche ist der Blog von Make-up Artist Lisa Eldridge. Sie schminkt Stars wie Kate Winslet, Emma Wat­son, Keira Knight­ley, Cara Develigne und Alexa Chung für den Red Car­pet, für Cov­er Shoot­ings oder Magazine.