

Florrie premieres single ‘Young to Remember’ music video

The singer has teamed up with H&M to pro­duce a visu­al for new sin­gle ‘Too Young to Remem­ber’, which will be out in the UK on March 8. Wear it dry, and you’ve got your stan­dard dust­ing of color—classic and pre­dictable (in a good way). But wet! Wear­ing it wet opens a whole new world of oppor­tu­ni­ty. “What you’re doing is bring­ing out the pig­ment­ed nature of the shad­ow,” make­up artist Vin­cent Oquen­do says. “When­ev­er I wet an eye shad­ow, it’s when I real­ly want it to pop—but it real­ly has to be a spe­cial kind of prod­uct to be able to blend after…

The Olly Murs factor: ‘If critics don’t like me that’s fine’

X Fac­tor run­ner up Olly Murs seemed bound for But­lins. Now he’s a mil­lion-sell­ing pop star. Julia Llewellyn Smith speaks to the unlike­ly enter­tain­er. Your eye col­or is sud­den­ly translu­cent, cheeks are flushed, there is soft rosy halo around your lash line, and your lips…your lips deep­en as blood rush­es through them and cre­ates a beau­ti­ful, trag­ic look. This lip hap­pens to work well for day or evening and does­n’t require you to cry! This method allows you to wear any lip col­or in a very nat­ur­al and believ­able way. The secret to this look is cre­at­ing a soft halo around…


Zoella writing Girl Online 2 without ghostwriter

Zoel­la, the YouTube star, is writ­ing her new nov­el with­out the aid of a ghost­writer, she has said, fol­low­ing con­tro­ver­sy over her debut book. Tabloid in long-form, Anger details the scan­dals of Tinseltown’s very first stars (includ­ing Rudolph Valenti­no, Roscoe Arbuck­le, and Clara Bow) against the back­drop of a city charged by ram­pant debauch­ery and high glam­our. Where­as Hol­ly­wood Baby­lon deals most­ly with the era’s nightlife, the work­day habits of ear­ly film stars were pret­ty wild too. For our pur­pos­es, it’s all about the prep. Hence a lit­tle his­to­ry les­son today, par­tic­u­lar­ly about how one might get ready for a peri­od mov­ing pic­ture. Early…

Why Poldark is the TV hit of the year

Pre­pos­ter­ous as all this might have seemed to some at the more cold-heart­ed end of the view­er spec­trum, for those of us swept up in the onrush­ing dra­ma it was impos­si­ble not to capit­u­late to the sweep­ing romance of it. “Today I was asked when I real­ized I was in the wrong body. As much as it took me a real­ly long time to come to terms with it, I think I have known since I can remember—since I could even think about gen­der or notice it. I was think­ing about when I was in pre‑K ‚and I would dress up…