Schlagwort: Books

Zoella writing Girl Online 2 without ghostwriter

Zoel­la, the YouTube star, is writ­ing her new nov­el with­out the aid of a ghost­writer, she has said, fol­low­ing con­tro­ver­sy over her debut book. Tabloid in long-form, Anger details the scan­dals of Tinseltown’s very first stars (includ­ing Rudolph Valenti­no, Roscoe Arbuck­le, and Clara Bow) against the back­drop of a city charged by ram­pant debauch­ery and high glam­our. Where­as Hol­ly­wood Baby­lon deals most­ly with the era’s nightlife, the work­day habits of ear­ly film stars were pret­ty wild too. For our pur­pos­es, it’s all about the prep. Hence a lit­tle his­to­ry les­son today, par­tic­u­lar­ly about how one might get ready for a peri­od mov­ing pic­ture. Early…